Business writing

This is intended for business people and others in public life who need to write speeches, either for themselves or for others. It focuses on the three vital elements of structure, persuasion and oratorical devices, giving the speech the power to bring about change in the thinking, attitude or behaviour of a speaker’s audience.

There will be practical exercises that reveal the difference between the written and spoken language, and its relevance to public speaking. You will learn how to construct a text that manages the audience’s emotional journey, and how to lay out the text to make it easy to follow when delivering the speech.
It will show you how to write with the rhythm and “stride length” that matches a speaker’s connection with the audience.

It includes Phillip Khan-Panni’s unique formula, Blank Page to First Draft in 15 Minutes, which simplifies the whole process. The course will work with an existing text or help with creating a new one. It can be done as a small group workshop or in one-to-one coaching.

The course will be designed to suit your own needs.

Contact us

Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees.

enquiries: +353 (0)89611 7427 alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)



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